Being triggered

Marshall often said our biggest jackals are our best teachers.  As we try to learn and practice NVC, it is helpful to recognize when we are triggered by something someone else did or said and connect to the need that is alive for us.  It can be especially upsetting for people when they are triggered by someone leading an NVC session or by another participant in a session.  If you find yourself in this situation, we encourage you to schedule an empathy session with one of the volunteers listed below.  At a mutually convenient time, they will listen empathically and help you connect with your needs in the situation.  You can then decide whether you feel complete or would like to connect with the person whose actions provided the trigger.  A volunteer can also support this conversation by listening empathically to both of you.  We are hoping this service will support individuals in their growth and the growth of trust and connection within the TriNVC community.

Neal Caidin
Amy Friedman
Marilyn Grubbs  
Jan Guilderhaus   
Eileen McAvoy
Bill Murray  

Sasha Tsyupka